We offer a complete plant supply and planting service
Planting Design
Once the strong framework of a garden has been established, this needs to be softened with lush, beautiful planting. This adds character and seasonal interest, and achieves an attractive balance of colour, form and composition.
See the Design Page for more details of our Planting Design Service

Planting Service
Your garden may have been well designed, but there may be some areas that don’t work, where the planting is tired or unsuitable and in need of rejuvenation. For these situations we provide a planting service which can range from a complete re-design and re-plant of the garden to just additional planting where it is needed.
Seasonal Planting
For those who like traditional, seasonal planting we can replant whole beds, pots or window boxes with colourful, seasonal bedding plants, two or three times a year. In the autumn this is usually accompanied by the planting of spring and summer bulbs.
Plant Maintenance
Even the best designed gardens need careful and regular maintenance to ensure that the planting matures successfully. Most plants will need pruning at least once during the year, while others may need moving when they have outgrown their allotted space. Climbers will need tying in occasionally and herbaceous perennials, ferns and grasses will be cut back in autumn or early spring. We can carry out all necessary gardening jobs on a regular basis or as occasion arises.
Our flexible garden maintenance service can be tailored to suit all gardens and all budgets. For more details of our Garden Maintenance Service please see the Maintenance page.