Project Description
Existing – A large rectangular planting bed was filled with overgrown Pyracantha and other ubiquitous shrubs.
Brief – The Housing Association and residents of this large estate wanted to turn this into a garden worthy of celebrating the forty years since the estate was built.
Solution – The centrepiece and focal point of the new design is a large boulder inset with a hand engraved slate disc. Behind this, water bubbles out of two Chinese granite balls set in a dry riverbed of Scottish cobbles. An informal path of red brick paving cuts diagonally across the site with bold strips of low maintenance, evergreen planting. Plants include Iris, Golden Heather, purple Heuchera, grey Santolina and purple Lavender.
A simple, eye-catching design for a public site.
Designed by Pamela Turner
Built in 2003
Budget approx £8000